Student Activities
Learning happens beyond the books. Students who push themselves to compete academically learn more about themselves and the subject than they would in class. We encourage competition and project work. We also take students on field trips to see and explore things that are beyond their daily experience.
Science Fair

Students in grades 5-8 must participate in the Carlisle Area Science Advisory Committee (CASAC) Science Fair every other year. Students may prepare projects for the fair each year beginning in grade 4. In the years when projects are not required, the school provides additional awards to encourage all students to continue their growth using the scientific method.
Spelling Bee
Our school spelling bee is held in February and the top two spellers in 5th & 6th grades (combined) and the top two spellers in 7th & 8th grades (combined) are recognized within the school.
Field Trips
Each grade takes at least two field trips during the school year. Some of our past field trips are:
Kindergarten: Union Fire Company, Paulus Orchards
1st Grade: Hollabaugh Bros Orchards, Apple Valley Creamery
2nd Grade: Indian Echo Caverns, Oakes Museum
3rd Grade: Little Buffalo State Park, Colonial Commons
4th Grade: Pennsylvania State Capitol, Underground Railroad through the Cumberland County Historical Society, Wildwood Park
5th & 6th Grades: Trips at the discretion of the teacher (Craighead House, Pole Steeple, Whitaker Center)
7th & 8th Grades: Washington, D. C., Creation Museum, Spruce Lake Outdoor School