Support Us
Endowment Fund
The Christian School of Grace Baptist Church Endowment Fund is run by the Board of the Christian School of Grace Baptist Church. The fund provides yearly support for the school primarily by supporting the Tuition Grant program. Other areas to which the fund may support are new curriculum, technology costs, and the continuing of education by teachers. The goal of the fund is to improve the school while keeping tuition reasonable. Money is added to the fund through gifts and estates. For more information on how to contribute to the Endowment Fund call 717-243-8820 or e-mail
EITC Business Tax Credit
Did you know that you can contribute up to 90% of your state tax bill to a scholarship organization in order to support the Christian School of Grace Baptist Church? Act 48 of 2003 establishes the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) that allows you to support private schools in the state of Pennsylvania with your tax dollars. This enables you to give to a Christian school rather than to the state.
Visit the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program web page to learn about eligibility and to apply for EITC credits.
EITC Tax Credit: For Individuals
In addition to businesses, the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) allows qualified individuals to re-direct PA taxes to private schools. This program allows up to 90% of your state tax bill to go to our school instead of the state.
To qualify, individuals must have a PA personal income tax liability of $4,000 or more, be employed by a for-profit business entity, and join a Special Purpose Entity.
Contact the school office to learn more about the EITC program. Additional information will be provided for you to discuss with your tax accountant.
Phone 717-243-8820