The Christian School of Grace Baptist Church seeks to partner with parents by providing for their children a Christ-centered education that prepares them to serve God for time and eternity with their head, heart, and hands.
Our students are continually reminded of the truth that they are creatures made in God’s image and thus responsible to love Him with all their strength and mind (Luke 10:27). Bible study therefore is not the only class period for Christian instruction. Our teachers seek to point out that every exercise of the mind is to be in service to God and subject to Him. Since we are preparing children to walk before the Lord, we labor to give them a Christian world and life view in all things. Because we strive to impress upon our students God’s law, order and discipline will be expected of them. Since we are anxious to make Christ’s gospel known to our students, we help them apply God’s Word to their particular problems and questions. Though hours are spent when God’s name is not expressly mentioned or the Bible opened, we foster a sense of His presence, interest, and rule at all times.

Grace Baptist Church had been in existence for seventeen years before a dream would come to fruition: establishing a Christian school for our children. In 1968, the Christian School of Grace Baptist Church opened its doors and has been used by God to educate children from our church family and from the greater Carlisle area.
In 1999, the church expanded its facilities and our school was given new classrooms. Because of the generosity of the friends of our school, we were able to develop our own practice field for soccer and construct a wonderful jungle gym structure for the younger children.
God has blessed the Christian School with excellent board leadership and qualified Christian teachers. The Christian School of Grace Baptist Church has consistently provided a God-centered education in a traditional classroom setting.

God’s blessing has been clear over the years. And we pray that our school will continue to give children a solid foundation academically, train them to positively influence culture, and most of all, point them to Christ so that by God’s grace they will build His Kingdom.